Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Poem to Begin With


Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you,
If you leave it you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are. You must let it find you.

~ David Wagoner ~


  1. Reading through your blog, I became curious about what the Oppler technique is. Finally discovered that Oppler was a student of Ismar Boas, considered to be the father of gastroenterology. Boas also devised the resorcinol test, defined acid gastrits, and with his student Oppler drew attention to the Boas Oppler bacillus in carcinoma as well as the importance of lactic acid in the same condition. The Boas Oppler bacillus is also related somehow to acidopholus bacteria found in yogurt. So when Sara makes yogurt she is participating in the family business, of sorts. Maybe you already knew this, but now I do too!
    Love your blog. I plan to enjoy it all at a leisurely pace with a glass of wine!

  2. Thanks for checking that out for us, Jeanette! I struck out when I googled it ~
